Top 10k strings from Fun to Learn - Inventions 1 (1982)(Sinclair Research)(16k).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 ,w;"Which statement applies best to:"
   2 v(p)=v(p+o)
   2 s*l,m;"Victory for ";n$(s)
   2 s*l,e(s);"*.."
   2 s*l,e(s)-4
   2 l;''''"    Who is going to play?"
   2 l;''"First, choose your topic:"
   2 l*n,w;n;" *............................O"
   2 from 1 to 6
   2 e(s)=e(s)-l
   2 e(s)=e(s)+4
   2 To specify your choice, press a key from 1 to c
   2 ;"Turn of ";n$(s)
   2 ;"Space to stop"
   2 6 for Yellow
   2 5 for Cyan
   2 4 for Green
   2 3 for Magenta
   2 1 for Blue
   2 ,w;q;" is wrong; it should be ";
   2 ,w;"What was invented by:"
   2 ,w;"Press: 0 for a new race"'
   2 ,w;"Correct"
   2 ,w;"Choose a colour please, ";n$(n)
   2 ,l;"Enter the name of player ";n
   2 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";b$(f(q))
   2 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";a$(f(q))
   2 '''"Press:","0 for Black",,"
   2 ''"You will be asked questions in  turn.  If your answer is right  you will advance;  if wrong, youretreat."
   2 ''"Up to 4 players can take part."
   2 ''"To answer a question, press a   key 
   2 ''"The computer will organise a    competition for you in the form of a race."
   2 ''"Now tell me how many players?"'''
   2 ''"1. What was invented by ...?"'"2. What was invented by ...?"
   2 ''"(max. 8 letters) and press ENTER"
   2 "describes best the invention:"
   2 "best describes:"
   2 "best describes the inventor of:"
   2 "6. Which invention?"'"7. Pot-pourri"
   2 "3. What was this inventor like? 4. Identity parade"'"5. What do you know about it?"
   2                                 X.
   1 me      you     
   1 l       m       
   1 Spanish aviator            US physicist               Engineer                   German-US rocket pioneer   English industrialist      Br. magistrate in India    English chemist            Br. elect. engineer b.1849 Swedish-US naval engineer  Worked with Rutherford     French physicist           Br. engineer/boat builder  Italian airship designer   Inventor of glass razor    US bar proprietor          Irish vet                  From Grand Rapids          French engineer            Anglo-US inventor          Pioneer of petrol engine   Son held world depth recordTeacher of deaf            French car manufacturer    From Oklahoma City         From Indiana, US           US lawyer                  Bohemian                   Eng. novelist/civil servantUS salesman                French scientist           Canadian telegraph operatorBritish engineer           Br. marine/airship engineerRussian-born aero engineer German chemist/electrician Marine engineer            US aviation pioneers       French bicycle dealer  
   1 Replaced unsprung carts  Introduced steam power   Heavier than air flight  Portable precision clock Productivity up 50 fold  Cotton thread spinner    Miners' safety lamp      Proved with key on kite  Gave faster weaving      "Clermont"(Hudson River) Graduated glass tube     Measures electric currentEngine speed: autocontrolExecution instrument     Domestic labour-saver    Installed in ScheveningenIdea scorned by teacher  Weather forecaster       Patented by Ackermann    A converted coble        Dangerous "lucifer"      By inventor of beer pump Transatlantic steamship  Dots and dashes          Perfected by Helmholtz   Accurate musical timer   Quadrant/backstaff in oneEarly form of calculator Idea used by Dunlop,1888 Waterproof coat          Not vertically closing   Makes larger than life   Shows spectrum pattern   Developed by Dr Frick    Generates electricity    Stay under water longer  First use:Austrian army  Developed 120 years laterWater powered machine    Won `50 prize            First acidic battery  
   1 Not a hoverer              Detects particles in atoms Widely used only since 1960Long-range missile         Drove textile machinery    Prevention of fraud        Drives motors in spaceshipsDiode; triode forerunner   Patented by warship builderMeasures nuclear radiation Pivots in any direction    Surface irrelevant         First commercial use 1943  Built for 12/6d (62.5p)    Prevent cashiers stealing  Aim: comfort and safety    Played cylinder recordings Fitted to a gas engine     First modern machine gun   Built from 1st principles  Not linked to surface ship Universal communications   Replaced block brakes      Tighten parking controls   Dispensed paraffin         "Dry writing"              Photo-engraving process    An early in St Helier now  Disposable steel wafer     Developed by British in WW2Remote message writing     Driven by compressed air   Breached Moehne/Eder Dams  Purpose built aircraft     Gas burner                 Study wind effect on motionFlight lasted 59 seconds   Carried a man          
   1 Napoleon's physician    Clergyman; built a mill British landowner       Yorkshire carpenter     Built gin in 10 days    Too poor; so no patent  Did not patent inventionUnited States' PresidentEnglish weaver          Jeweller and artist     Italian mathematician   Italian anatomist       Scottish steam engineer In Constituent Assembly Developed "Lock-stitch" Measurer:time/distance  Pupil of Isaac Newton   Italian physicist       German coach builder    London coachbuilder     Stockton-on-Tees chemistProlific Eng. inventor  Bridge/railway engineer US artist/elect engineerMathematician,b.1792    French inventor         English naval Captain   English Vicar           Scottish engineer       Scottish chemist        Artist/musician/botanistFranciscan Friar        Saw an apple gravitate  Eng astronomer/physicistBrit. chemist/scientist Comet discoverer        Tyrolean clockmaker     Lived near R. SchuylkillFactory system pioneer  Scots agric. engineer   Italian scientist       Dutch fire fighter      English mechan
   1 la Cierva D.Glaser       F.Lanchester   W.von Braun    J.Slater       W.Herschel     F.Bacon        Sir J.A.FlemingJ.Ericsson     H.Geiger       Dr L.Foucault  C.Cockerell    E.Forlanini    John L.Baird   James Ritty    J.B.Dunlop     J.C.Dunton     E.Lenoir       Sir H.S.Maxim  K.Benz         A.Piccard      A.G.Bell       L.Renault      C.Magee        S.F.Bowser     C.F.Carlson    K.Kleitsch     A.Trollope     K.C.Gillette   P.Langevin     F.G.Creed      R.Whitehead    Sir B.Wallis   I.I.Sikorsky   R.W.Bunsen     F.Wenham       Wright BrothersP.Cornu        R.Watson-Watt  A.Korn         N.Tesla        G.Eastman      Sir W.ArmstrongProf.Fessenden J.P.Holland    H.Hollerith    T.A.Edison     J.Lundstrom    
   1 I2        
   1 I         
   1 D.J.Larrey    E.Cartwright  Sir G.Cayley  J.Harrison    E.Whitney     S.Crompton    Sir H.Davy    B.Franklin    John Kay      R.Fulton      G.Galileo     L.Galvani     James Watt    Dr I.GuillotinE.Howe        C.Huygens     James Gregory E.Torricelli  Lenkensperger L.Lukin       J.Walker      J.Bramah      I.K.Brunel    S.F.B.Morse   C.Babbage     E.Loulie      J.Campbell    W.Oughtred    R.W.Thomson   C.Macintosh   L.da Vinci    R.Bacon       Sir I.Newton  Sir J.HerschelM.Faraday     Sir E.Halley  B.Girandoni   O.Evans       R.Arkwright   P.Bell        A.Volta       Van der HeidenJ.Hargreaves  J.N.Niepce    E.Scarlett    Sir J.Dewar   C.T.R.Wilson  C.Wheatstone  
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Autogyro, c.1923        Bubble Chamber, 1952    Disc brakes, 1902       V2 Rocket, c.1944       Driving chain, 1864     Finger printing, 1859   Fuel cell, 1959         Thermionic valve, 1904  Screw propeller, 1936   Geiger counter, 1910    Gyroscope, 1852         Hovercraft, 1959        Hydrofoil, c.1900       Television, 1922        Cash register, 1879     Pneumatic tyres, 1888   Jukebox, 1905           Ignition system, 1860   Maxim gun, 1888         Three wheel car, 1886   Bathyscaphe, c.1948     Telephone, 1876         Drum brakes, 1902       Parking meter, 1933     Petrol pump, 1885       Xerography, 1938        Photogravure, 1879      British pillar box,1852 Safety razor, 1901      Sonar, 1917             Teleprinter, 1897       Torpedo, 1866           Bouncing bomb, c.1943   Bomber, 1914            Bunsen burner, 1855     Wind tunnel, 1871       Powered flight, 1903    Helicopter, 1907        Radar in Britain,c.1932 Photo-electric cell,1902A.C.generator,c.1880    Box camera, 1888        Armstrong gun,
   1 Ambulance, 1796         Power Loom, c.1785      Model Glider, 1804      Chronometer, 1759       Cotton Gin, 1792        Mule, 1779              Davy Lamp, 1816         Lightning Conductor,1752Flying Shuttle, 1733    Steamboat Service,1807  Thermometer, c.1592     Galvanometer, c.1819    Governor, 1789          Guillotine, c.1790      Sewing Machine, 1841    Pendulum Clock, 1657    Achromatic lens, 1695   Barometer, 1643         Mod. Motor Steering,1818Lifeboat, 1785          Friction Match, 1827    First Flush WC, 1778    Great Western,1837      Morse Code, 1838        Ophthalmoscope, 1847    Metronome, 1696         Sextant, 1757           Slide Rule, 1621        Pneumatic tyres, 1845   Macintosh, 1824         Canal Lock Gates, 1487  Magnifying Glass, 1266  Spectroscope, 1666      Contact Lens, 1827      Dynamo, 1831            Diving Bell Airpump,1690Repeating Rifle, c.1780 Amphibious vehicle, 1804Waterframe, 1771        Mechanical Reaper, 1826 Voltaic Pile, c.1800    Fire Engine, c.1650     Spinning Jenny
   1 +q,w;q;" ";d$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;q;" ";c$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";d$(f(q))
   1 +q,w;"    ";q;" ";c$(f(q))